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  • Elizabeth Phillips

Media Relations Policy

Updated: Nov 13, 2023


Media Relations for the Intuition Academy

Roles and Responsibilities

Head of Public Relations: This position maximizes the brand’s visibility through various channels whilst building/maintaining relationships with the media and public. The head of PR oversees the content creator, who is responsible for developing media for the brand.

Marketing Manager: This position holds responsibility for brand awareness, advertising, budgeting, and the development of promotional campaigns. This position oversees the Marketing Coordinator and Marketing Analyst.

Social Media Manager: This position is responsible for all interactions with the public on digital platforms. They work closely with the other sectors of communications building campaigns to increase brand awareness.

Graphics Director: This position is in charge of ensuring the images and graphics used to reflect the brand and its values. The Graphics Director oversees the Graphic Designer.

Website Programmer: This position ensures our website not only looks good but is easy to use. They oversee the Website Creator/Specialist.

Media Relations Policy

The Intuition Academy (IA) would like to maintain positive and productive relationships with our media partners. The following guidelines will help our media partners obtain the desired information, footage, and interviews:

  • The Communications Department will assist in facilitating any media requests.

  • Instructions for on-campus interviews will be given before the desired date.

  • Requests for interviews and footage are handled more efficiently if inquiries include details about the information you require, the individuals you are wanting to speak with, and any footage you are hoping to capture.

  • Any promotional or advertorial requests will be directed to the Marketing Manager, who is granted permission to speak on behalf of issues regarding their department. If necessary and appropriate the Marketing Manager is allowed to appoint an employee from their department as the spokesperson.

Inquiries and requests may be sent to or by calling the Communications Department at (111) 222-7777.

Student Information

Releasing student information is a violation of Federal Law. These records are confidential, therefore, our employees are prohibited from disclosing any information regarding a student. The laws that govern a student’s right to privacy include, but are not limited to:

  • Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

  • The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)

Presence on School Property

The Intuition Academy has various procedures in place for visitors when they arrive at a school - with the safety of our students and faculty being the priority.

  • Before any video or audio recording, all visitors must check in off-campus at the school's front office and obtain permission to be on campus. This must be done before speaking to any students or faculty.

  • Interviewing students on campus can only be done with the permission and supervision of school staff, as well as, consent from the child.

    • Students must have a media release signed by their parent/guardian on file allowing media interaction while at school. This document must be verified before any video or audio recording.

    • Informing the Communications Department of student-based footage beforehand can allow for pupils with this document to be more accessible during filming.

  • “Whenever on a school campus or at a District office, media are asked to wear/display any press identification badges they may have from their employer - this is in addition to any ID stickers provided by the school/District. Not everyone knows our local reporters, so ID Badges can go a long way in helping you get where you need to go.” (

  • In the event of an emergency or crisis (i.e. lockdown, bomb threat, weather, etc.) no visitors or media will be permitted on campus.

    • Emergency response officials will organize a media staging area. Interviews and Media Briefings will be conducted within this area.

      • As much information as feasible will be provided to the media, being mindful that the information shared cannot compromise the ongoing investigation/proceedings, nor violate the privacy of a minor.


Goal: Expand the Intuition Academy’s (IA) student body in both its current and newfound communities, so more scholars can reach their full potential.

  1. Increase enrollment by 30%

    1. Host a Dinner Recruitment Event and Invite Local Media

      1. Invitations

        1. Invite prospective students and their families

        2. Media Advisory inviting journalists, bloggers, and influencers

      2. Venue

        1. Seating to hold 100 people

        2. Caterer

      3. Speakers

        1. Identify Speakers

        2. Talking Points/ Fact Sheets

        3. Recorded and put on the website

      4. Gifts

        1. 150 school pride t-shirts to distribute as “party favors”

      5. Timeline of Events

      6. Press Release to Follow the Event

    2. Begin Social Media Campaign Targeting Influencers

      1. Media and Influencer List

        1. Parental blogs, magazines, parent influencers

      2. Blog

      3. FAQ Page

      4. Promotional Video

      5. Content Calendar for the Month

        1. Statements from parents and students who are currently enrolled to use for promotional purposes

      6. Photography of the School

  2. Increase Awareness in Alabama and Southern Kentucky by 40%

    1. Set up an interview with a local journalist

      1. Story Pitch

      2. Graphics of School Statistics

      3. Footage from the School

      4. Talking Points

      5. Interview Questions

    2. Distribute Informative Articles

      1. Articles Highlighting the Benefits of the School

      2. Media List of Various Mommy Blogs and Parenting Forums

      3. Story Pitch

      4. Media Kit

        1. Graphics and Photography

        2. Link to Promotional Video

      5. Designated Spokespersons

        1. for any further information needed or follow up interviews

    3. Host a Grand Opening Event and Invite Local Media

      1. Timeline of Events

      2. Media Advisory

      3. Designated Speakers

      4. Entertainment Activities

        1. Inflatables

        2. Face Painting

        3. Guided Tours

      5. Fact Sheet

      6. Interview Questions

      7. Raffle

      8. Gifts

Grand Opening Event

Things we will need:

  • Invitations

    • Invitations will be sent to the media and other relevant parties

Along with the invitation, we will personally call the following people to invite them:

  • Business Partners

  • Investors

  • Contractors

  • Employees

  • Press

  • Elected officials

  • Enrolled Students

  • News Release

  • Social Media Posts

  • Agenda

  • Guest Speakers

    • Principal

    • Mayor

    • An Alum

  • School Merchandise for gifts

  • Raffle

  • Photographer

  • Microphone

  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

  • Social Media Live Stream



  • Send Invitations to list

  • Secure the guest speakers

  • Order Merchandise & Ribbon

  • Book Photographer


  • Send Press Release

  • Begin Social Media Campaign


  • Call the list above

  • Contact news to do a piece on the opening

  • Rent Microphone


  • Live Stream Event

  • 10:30 am….Guest Speakers

    • 10:30 Spokesperson Kicks off Event and Welcome Media

    • 10:50 Student Speaker

    • 11:15 Mayor

    • 11:45 Principal

  • Noon….Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

  • 12:15….Gift Distribution

  • 12:30….Open Inflatables and Other Activities to Parents and Students to Enjoy for the Day

  • 1:00….Press Interviews

  • 2:00…. Start Tours for current or prospective students

  • 4:30….Raffle and Closing Remarks From Principal

  • 5:00….End of Event


  • Press Release about the success

  • Keep Posting on Social Media

  • School Starts

  • Follow Up Interview After First Week of School

Crisis Management

School Shooting

Media inquiries will be handled by myself and law enforcement


  • Designate Someone to Call the Families of students and faculty

  • Talking Points

  • Select a Media Briefing Area

  • Meet with media spokesperson from law enforcement, local hospital, and fire department

  • Update Media every half hour

  • The next day hold a press conference off-campus to explain and discuss the school's next steps

  • Continue to follow up with media for months after as the story progresses

Talking Points:

We’d like to start by thanking the ________ police department and the ______ hospital for their efficient handling of the situation and for helping us get through this difficult day.

I warn you that my following statements about today’s events may be hard to listen to.

At [insert time], [insert person if not a child] opened fire within our school’s walls. [recount events]. This selfish act cost __ students and ___ faculty members their lives, and injured ___.

This is an ongoing investigation involving several minors, therefore not all information is available to the public yet.

At this time we know [insert what we know].

As a school, we will be offering off-campus counseling for anyone that needs it.

The Intuition Academy will be closed for the remainder of the week as we finalize the next steps. Another press conference will be held once those details are confirmed.

Our hearts are aching at these losses. [a sentimental statement]

A vigil will be held tonight in the school parking lot at 9 pm.

I will now pass the mic to our head of the police department with more information on the investigation.

Flu Outbreak

Media inquiries will be handled by our medical correspondent or whatever the school equivalent of that is


  • Offer Flu Vaccine at School

  • Distribute educational materials on the flu and ways to prevent it to students and teachers

  • CDC or some other health person hosts an assembly on hygiene and healthy habits

  • Email parents the same educational materials along with an explanation of the outbreak and the steps we’re taking to minimize the spread.

  • Have a media release ready in case we need to close school for two days due to the flu

Media Release:

A sudden increase in cases of influenza among students at the Intuition Academy occurred earlier this week. Federal health experts are currently looking into how the flu is spreading and vaccine effectiveness as we head into the flu season.

The first case appeared on [date]. Since then [number of ppl] students and faculty have become sick with influenza. [insert percent] of which were unvaccinated. IA nurses noted that the most common symptoms are ____. [quote from nurse]

The Intuition Academy is asking that our students and faculty members get vaccinated against influenza as soon as possible. The vaccination can protect against severe symptoms and prevent the further spread of this disease. [quote from principal explaining our free vaccination offers at the school]

IA has provided families with the opportunity to learn more about influenza and its vaccination through a series of educational materials and assemblies. For further information check

Our vaccine clinic will be open [dates and times].

Flu vaccination is widely available from local health care providers and pharmacies. Other vaccination opportunities include [list]

We hope to be back to our normal schooling on [date]. We appreciate your flexibility and cooperation through these unprecedented times.


Tool #1 - Social Media Post

At IA, students are taught to think and approach concepts from multiple perspectives, not to memorize facts and figures.




Tool #2 - Key Messages/Talking Points

  • Intuition Academy (IA) is excited to announce its expansion across Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama.

  • IA is a private school designed to help students grades K-12 reach their maximum learning potential.

  • Teach kids to think and approach concepts from multiple perspectives, not to memorize.

  • Classes are composed of 120 students, with curriculum paths to stimulate their learning styles.

  • IA was founded in a small Tennessee town and was immediately popular amongst parents and students.

  • Due to its success, IA expanded its knowledge to twelve new schools across the state.

  • There will be a recruitment dinner event for prospective students and their parents.

  • The event will be a chance to learn more about the school and connect with teachers and faculty.

  • The event will be held on February 24th at 6:30 pm.

  • RSVPs and any further questions will be accepted on our website,



Intuition Academy Presents The Future Family Dinner Event

Nashville, Tenn.–– The Intuition Academy will present The Future Family Dinner, taking place at the Music City Center on February 24th, 2022. The dinner will feature both alumni and faculty speakers, as well as a meet and greet with the Dean.

The Intuition Academy is a local private school designed to help students grades K-12 reach their maximum potential using hands-on learning techniques. The Academy is excited to announce its expansion across Tennessee, Alabama, and Kentucky. This expansion will allow more students access to tools that will help them excel. The Future Family Dinner will allow prospective families to gain a better understanding of the school and connect with teachers and faculty on a more personal level.

The Future Family Dinner will be held on February 24th at 6:30 pm. RSVPs, dietary restrictions, and any further questions will be accepted on our website,

“We, as an institution, have a duty to these kids. Children should be treated as the individuals that they are, even in the classroom. Not every teaching style works for every kid. You got to spend time with a child and learn what works for them. This dinner event is just the beginning of that.”

-Dean Phillips

*Include a boilerplate about each speaker here there's any interesting information on them*


Tool #4 - FAQ PAGE

What is the Intuition Academy?

Intuition Academy (IA) is a private school designed to help students grades in K-12 reach their maximum learning potential.

Where is IA located?

The Intuition Academy has expanded into 12 cities across the state and has now branched into northern Alabama and southern Kentucky. [link to each location]

What teaching methods do you practice?

Intuition Academy uses progressive teaching styles in the classroom. Progressive classrooms consist of helping students explore all of their interests through experiential, emergent, and collaborative learning. We strive to teach our students problem solving, critical thinking, and social responsibility.

What is the average class size?

Each graduating class will consist of 120 students. Classrooms will host around 15 to 20 kids.

What extracurricular activities are offered?

Here is a list of the extracurricular activities IA currently offers:

  • Architecture Club

  • Astronomy Club

  • Biology Club

  • Chemistry Club

  • Economics Club

  • Electronics Club

  • Engineering Club

  • English Club

  • Distributive Education Clubs of America

  • History Club

  • Life Sciences Club

  • Literature Club

  • Literary Magazine Club

  • Math Club

  • Peer Tutoring

  • Poetry Club

  • Physics Club

  • Psychology Club

  • Quill and Scroll

  • Robotics Club

  • Science National Honors Society

  • Trivia and Quiz Clubs

  • Web design/coding club

  • Writing Club

  • Academic Decathlon

  • Academic Triathlon

  • American Mathematics Competitions

  • American Regions Math League

  • Caribou Mathematics Competition

  • Chemistry Olympiad

  • Clean Tech Competition

  • Creative Communication Poetry Contest

  • EconChallenge

  • Educators Rising

  • FIRST Robotics Competition

  • High School Innovation Challenge

  • Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

  • Kids Philosophy Slam

  • Math League

  • National Academic Quiz Tournament

  • National French Contest

  • National History Bee

  • National Spelling Bee

  • Animation

  • Anime/Manga Club

  • Art Club

  • Art: drawing, painting

  • Blacksmithing

  • Cartooning

  • Ceramics

  • Drama Club

  • Fashion design

  • Graphic Design

  • Jewelry Making

  • Photography

  • Sculpture

  • Sewing

  • High School Theater Program

  • Community Theater Program

  • Video Game Development Club

  • Academic Triathlon

  • American Mathematics Competitions

  • American Regions Math League

  • Caribou Mathematics Competition

  • Chemistry Olympiad

  • Clean Tech Competition

  • Creative Communication Poetry Contest

  • EconChallenge

  • Educators Rising

  • FIRST Robotics Competition

  • High School Innovation Challenge

  • Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

  • Kids Philosophy Slam

  • Math League

  • National Academic Quiz Tournament

  • National French Contest

  • National History Bee

  • National Spelling Bee

  • Odyssey of the Mind

  • Poetry Out Loud

  • Questions Unlimited

  • Quiz Bowl

  • Science Bowl

  • Science Olympiad

  • Other Trivia and Quiz Competition Teams

  • Animation

  • Anime/Manga Club

  • Art Club

  • Art: drawing, painting

  • Blacksmithing

  • Cartooning

  • Ceramics

  • Drama Club

  • Fashion design

  • Graphic Design

  • Jewelry Making

  • Photography

  • Sculpture

  • Sewing

  • High School Theater Program

  • Community Theater Program

  • Video Game Development Club

  • Weaving

  • Woodworking

  • African American Student Alliances/Clubs

  • American Sign Language Club

  • Chinese Club

  • French Club

  • German Club

  • International Food Club

  • Latin Club

  • Pacific Islanders Club

  • Russian Club

  • South Asian Student Society

  • Spanish Club

  • School Chorus/Choir

  • Community Chorus/Choir

  • Church Chorus/Choir

  • Chamber Music Group

  • Concert Band

  • Ensembles

  • Singing Lessons

  • Marching Band

  • Jazz Band

  • Orchestra

  • Solo music

  • Tri-M Music Honor Society

What is the student average?

Our students have an average GPA of 3.49, with over 50% of students taking honors and AP classes.

What are the benefits of a small school?

Children can form strong relationships with all of their teachers and peers. The curriculum can be based on each student’s learning style, strengthening individualism. This also allows teachers to handle emotional and academic challenges in a more personal and encouraging way.

What are IA’s school hours?

IA has programs going on nearly 365 days a year. On school days, regular half-days are 8:15 to 11:45, and full days are 8:15 to 3:00. Pre-day and after-school programs are available to extend the day from 7:30 to 6:00. A calendar for all events, holidays, and camps will be available on our homepage.

What is the grading system like?

We do not give typical “grades” for Elementary grades. Based on their assessments and observations, teachers create two written progress reports that they give to the parents. From the 6th grade to the 12th, students will use an A-F/0-100 grading system.

Tool #5 - BLOG

Why Should Your Child be Getting a Progressive Education?

  1. Lifelong Skills

Progressive teaching shows students how to be engaged and active learners. This helps students learn to become self-motivated, passionate learners. This teaching style allows learners to have fun while important lifelong skills.

  1. Knowing not Memorizing

Most schools have found themselves stuck in the rut of standardized testing and required memorization. While memorization is helpful to students, it doesn’t make them understand the content they have been given. This deprives them of being able to make connections and educated guesses. Progressive learning focuses on making sure the student understands the subject and can apply their knowledge to various situations. Students are taught this way to have better problem-solving and cognitive skills.

  1. Collaboration

Through group participation and community responsibility, students develop strong social skills and increased emotional intelligence. These lead to future success in group work, leadership, and healthy relationships.

  1. Interdisciplinary Learning

Classrooms that use progressive teaching have an integrated curriculum to encourage discovering connections between ideas. This deepens the concept and allows students to strengthen their knowledge of the subject. Progressive learning is about integrating every subject and understanding how they each affect each other.

  1. Real-World Education

Students were not made to sit in a stale, white classroom for 8 hours a day. It doesn’t stimulate them nor does it allow them to process anything they’re being taught. A progressive classroom involves kinesthetic projects and expeditionary learning. Using this method makes the information relatable and applicable to their own lives.

Tool #6 - Interview Questions

Interview Questions to satisfy “Set up an Interview with a Local Journalist”

  • What makes IA different from other private schools in the state?

  • How well do students in IA do compared to other schools?

  • What types of learning styles do you offer within the school?

  • Why was the Intuition Academy founded in the first place?

  • What is the organizational structure of the daily classroom environment?

    • What are the benefits of progressive education?

    • How are grades conducted within this structure?

  • How do IA graduates make the transition, and how do they succeed?

  • What is the community of children like at the school?

  • How do parents get involved in the school community and curriculum?

  • Where will the new schools be located, and what does this expansion mean for IA?

  • How can families get more information about the Information Academy?

    • The response will include a mention of the dinner event

  • Will there be any speakers or activities?

  • How can people RSVP for the dinner?

    • Is there a way to clarify any dietary restrictions or health concerns?

  • Aside from the event, how can families contact IA for more information?

  • When will these new schools be opening?

  • What is the goal for the number of enrolled students in these new schools?

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